Daily Prayers

Week 1| This Week we will Focus on the Redemptive Power of the Blood of Jesus and what that means as a son/daughter and as the church of the Most High God. We commit to Pray in the Spirit and Read the Word of God daily as His Redemptive Power and Provisions unfold to us in Jesus’ mighty name.

Monday, Jan 6

Prayer Focus:  Personal Redemption & Redemption from Sin 

Isaiah 43:1 (ESV) says, “Fear not, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by name, you are mine.”  Isn’t it wonderful to know that God knows YOU by name?  The Redemptive Power of the Blood of Jesus personally cleanses you and washes away all your sins. It has the Power to free all of us from sin, transgression, and iniquity; not only of ourselves, but that of our families, our forefathers, our cities, and our nation. Today will focus on the REDEMPTIVE POWER of the Blood of Jesus, KNOWING that we are Free from the shackles of sin, and we can stand boldly in the fullness of who God is in us in the earth. 

1 John 1:7 (ESV) “But if we walk in the light, as He is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus His Son cleanses us from all sin.”

John 8:35 (AMPC) So if the Son liberates you [makes you free men], then you are really and unquestionably free.

1 Corinthians 7: 21-23 (ESV) Were you a bondservant when called? Do not be concerned about it. (But if you can gain your freedom, avail yourself of the opportunity.) For he who was called in the Lord as a bondservant is a freedman of the Lord. Likewise he who was free when called is a bondservant of Christ.  You were bought with a price; do not become bondservants of men.


Father as I begin this fast with my fellow brothers and sisters  I ask you to forgive me and to cleanse me with the blood of Jesus for all sin, transgression and iniquity, not only of myself, but that of my forefathers, whether I’ve known or have been oblivious to it.  I just want to be clean Father!  Wash me; cleanse my hands; purify my heart so that I may serve You as You desire.  I want to please You Father in everything that I do, and I start here, right now, today, with a new commitment to You. I give You my heart/soul, mind, and body.  I am completely Yours Father.  I break the power of every demonic covenant made with the enemy. I destroy the works of every “form” of ungodliness, and I now truly live in “TRUTH” because I am hidden with Christ in You Father.  I declare, ”JESUS YOU ARE LORD OF MY LIFE!”  Thank You that You know me by name.  I AM YOURS AND YOU ARE MINE!  We are One!  I am the fullness of who You are in me in the earth; Holy, without spot, wrinkle, or blemish. Father, I surrender and I declare boldly that I am REDEEMED by the Blood of The Lamb, Jesus Christ, in Jesus’ name.  

Tuesday, Jan 7

Prayer Focus:  Grace & Peace through Redemption

Because of Our Father’s Grace [unmerited favor] we are redeemed and reconciled back to Him.  We are justified [declared righteous] by His grace through the Redeeming Blood of Jesus!  Hallelujah!  The Redeeming Power of His Peace keeps our hearts and minds because the Blood has the Power to Save and it will NEVER lose its Power! Hallelujah! 

Romans 5:1 (ESV) “Therefore, since we have been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ.”

Romans 3:24 (NIV) “And are justified by his grace as a gift, through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus”

Galatians 1:3-4 (NIV) Grace and peace to you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ, who gave himself for our sins to rescue us from the present evil age, according to the will of our God and Father, to whom be glory for ever and ever. Amen.

John 1:16 (ESV) “For from His fullness we have all received, grace upon grace.”

John 16:33 (ESV) “I have said these things to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world.”


Father, today I pray for Your Redeeming Grace!  You said, in 1 Peter 5:10, “And after you have suffered a little while, the God of all grace, who has called you to His eternal glory in Christ, will Himself restore, confirm, strengthen, and establish you. “ Father, You said that YOU will restore me, YOU will confirm me, YOU will strengthen me, and YOU will establish me.  YOU cannot lie.  I call on Your Grace, Father, let Your Redemption flow to me!  Jehovah Shalom, I pray for the Power of Your Perfect Peace to outstrip [move faster than and overtake] my mind’s understanding, to keep me, because my mind is stayed on You, and because I trust in You.  It is because of Your glorious grace that you alone have blessed me and reconciled me back to You.  From YOUR fullness I have received grace upon grace. Father I believe You.  I declare that Your Grace is sufficient for me.  I declare through Your Redeeming power that I grow in the grace and knowledge of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I declare that the peace of Christ rules in my heart forever in Jesus’ name.

Wednesday, Jan 8

Prayer Focus: Redemption to Strengthen Relationships | Reconciliation of Families, Marriages, Friends

God ordains relationships for His children.  It is important to understand that the root of all relationships should begin with God.  God ordained the family. We didn’t choose the families that we’re in; but we can make the decision to choose the relationship that God desires for our families. The family however is only one aspect of relationships. We have all either had, or went into relationships with our own agenda in mind. But, when our hearts have a genuine desire to please God, we will neglect our wants. God’s Will replaces our desires; and we’re ok with knowing that it will all work out for our good, and in our favor. Today we will pray for Redemption through the Blood of Jesus to Reconcile Relationships that Father God has ordained.

Colossians 3:13 (NIV) Bear with each other and forgive one another if any of you has a grievance against someone, FORGIVE as the Lord forgave you.

Ecclesiastes 4:12 (ESV) “Though one may be empowered, two can defend themselves.  A cord of three strands is not quickly broken.”

Psalm 133:1 (NIV) How good and pleasant it is when God’s people live together in unity.


Father, I pray that You reveal to me any area of my life where I need to seek forgiveness and healing in relationships. Give me the discernment to recognize my weaknesses and the courage to confront them with Your Spirit’s guidance and support. Help me to let go of the things that hold my relationships back from experiencing truth, unity, depth, and breadth.  Father fill me with Your Holy Spirit to empower me to live a life worthy of Your calling in every relationship that You have knitted together. I pray for Redemption to strengthen all my relationships and for discernment to know whether they are for a reason, a season, or a lifetime. 

Father, I ask for forgiveness for any relationship or covenant that I made without seeking You first.  I yield to Your Spirit and ask that You sever all relationships that you have not prescribed for me.  Let the Redeeming Power of the Blood of Jesus Reconcile all relationships that you have ordained for me and my family, my marriage, my friends, my co-workers and my professional/business partners.  Let me know, and be ok with letting go.   I only want Your Will for my Life, and that includes having, and being a part of relationships that You want for me. Father, I pray in Jesus’ name.

Thursday, Jan 9

Prayer Focus: Redemption & Spiritual Awakening

We need the Redemptive Power of the blood of Jesus to spiritually awaken us for the Glory of God to operate freely in every area of our lives. Some areas of our lives have become dormant or asleep because of deferred hope, failures, negative words, life, circumstances, and situations.  A spiritual awakening is when we become spiritually conscious to allow the glory of God to illuminate throughout our being, to prevail IN TRUTH.  When we are spiritually awakened we become alive to operate in what God has spoken without resistance, without hesitation, without reluctance, and without question.  We simply obediently do whatever Our Father says.  He has free course to speak into our lives and we move by His command.  In Genesis there was nothing, just an empty void. The Spirit of God moved on the face of the waters and He spoke to everything that existed at that time and there was no opposition to Him.  Our spiritual awakening causes us to be refreshed with a NEW enlightenment to allow God to speak into our lives and we move as He commands without opposition. Today we will pray for that Redemptive Power for a NEW Spiritual Awakening.

Isaiah 40:31 (KJV) “But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.

Ephesians 5:14 (NIV) “Wake up, sleeper, rise from the dead, and Christ will shine on you.”

Isaiah 60:1-2 (KJV) “Arise, shine; for thy light is come, and the glory of the LORD is risen upon thee. For, behold, the darkness shall cover the earth, and gross darkness the people: but the LORD shall arise upon thee.”

Matthew 5:6 (NIV) “Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled.”


Father Let the Redemptive Power of the Blood of Jesus cause a NEW spiritual awakening in me! Let the eyes of my heart be enlightened!  I declare by the power of YOUR Word that I Arise and shine, for YOUR light has come, and YOUR glory LORD is risen upon me.  I declare an end to every drought in my life! I declare that I am awakened and I SEE the open heaven over me. I declare that I awaken to the sound of Your voice moving in the earth, shifting paradigms and causing systems to align with YOUR will.  I declare, the REDEEMING POWER of the BLOOD OF JESUS HAS AWAKENED ME!  Father, awaken the Spiritual gifts that You have entrusted in me. 

I declare that I will not be captivated by empty words, but my eyes will behold YOUR glory and my heart will cleave to EVERY Word that you have spoken!  Father, I crave You and I desire to experience You in brand NEW ways.  I will not let go!  Let me see different facets of Your beautiful glory!  I awaken to experience and create NEW Paths in the desert and NEW streams in the wilderness.  I awaken and I SEE what You have said Father!  My heart is awakened for Divine Spiritual Increase.  Father Stretch the cords, lengthen the curtains, and expand the territory in Jesus’ name; let YOUR glory be revealed in me.  I will obey this time; and henceforth forevermore, I will obey!

Friday, Jan 10

Prayer Focus: Redemption through an Untainted Lens | Fostering a Deeper Connection with God

In our Lord, Adonai, there is mercy; and it is in His mercy that we must trust.  In our Lord is the unlimited, inexhaustible depth of His love for us. He desires US!  His mercy never stops crying out for us! It never ceases. Our Father yearns for a deeper relationship, a deeper connection with Him. All we have to do is yield to His Spirit.  He will allow us to see His glory. And, as we go deeper IN Him, we see the depth of who we are with a clearer lens and we yearn to be transformed; to be more like our Father.  Redemption through the Blood of Jesus allows us to hear THE DEEP calling to Our Deep.  We see CLEARLY with unfiltered, untainted lenses.

Psalm 130:7-8 (NIV) “Israel, put your hope in the LORD, for with the LORD is unfailing love and with him is full redemption.”

Exodus 33:13 (KJV) “Now therefore, I pray thee, if I have found grace in thy sight, shew me now thy way, that I may know thee, that I may find grace in thy sight: and consider that this nation is thy people.”

Psalm 103:7 “He made known his ways unto Moses, his acts unto the children of Israel.”


Father, Let the Redeeming Power of the Blood of Jesus remove all debris that I may SEE You as YOU are.  I want YOU Father; no one else will do!  Draw me close to YOU!  Never let me go.  I lay it all at your feet. I want to feel the warmth of Your embrace.  Help me find my way to bring me back to you, where we walked and talked together in the cool of the day, smelling the fresh dew of the morning where I couldn’t wait to be with you, and You with me.  I am compelled by Your unfailing Love and I surrender. This time, I give myself to you and I will not turn away. REDEEM ME from myself!   Keep my attention on YOU! 

Let the melody of Your voice and the fragrance of your presence immobilize me in sweet surrender.  Let me lose myself in time because I am captivated by the Depth of Your Love. I want to SEE Your glory. I NEED TO SEE Your Glory!  Fill me again and again Father, in Jesus name I pray.

Saturday, Jan 11

Prayer Focus: Redemption for Unparalleled Faith

The word unparalleled means exceptional, or having no equal.  Faith is believing in the character of God Himself.  True faith believes in the character of God and responds to His Word. Without Faith we cannot please Our heavenly Father.  When we don’t believe God’s character we begin to doubt who He is and what He has spoken.  Doubting God leads to Disobedience.  But the Redemptive Blood of Jesus Causes our minds to be transformed so that we Believe as Jesus did.   When we doubt God, we sin.  In John 5:19-20, “Jesus gave them this answer: “Very truly I tell you, the Son can do nothing by Himself; He can do only what He sees his Father doing, because whatever the Father does the Son also does. For the Father loves the Son and shows Him all He does. Yes, and He will show Him even greater works than these, so that you will be amazed.”  God wants to amaze us, but we must move in unparalleled faith for Him to move.  Our Faith is the cord that connects us to miracles, signs and wonders.

Hebrews 11:6 (KJV) “But without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him.”

2 Corinthians 5:9 (NIV) “For we live by faith, not by sight.”

1 Corinthians 16:13 “Be on your guard; stand firm in the faith; be courageous; be strong.” 

Isaiah 40:31 (NASB) Yet those who wait for the LORD will gain new strength; They will mount up with wings like eagles, They will run and not get tired, They will walk and not faint.


 Father, we pray for the Redemptive Blood of Jesus for Exceptional Faith.  David said in Psalm 138 "In the day when I cried out, YOU answered me, and made me bold with strength in my soul.”  Father You are no respecter of persons.  You are the same God Yesterday, Today, and Forever.  Therefore, by the power that works in us, we ask You to make us BOLD [confident; courageous] with strength in our souls.  The righteous live by faith.  You are Elohim, the Creator of all the universe; the earth is Yours and everything in it.  We pray to You for unshakable, unwavering faith.  We will be diligent in hearing Your Word Father so that faith will increase.  I declare that the spirit of perseverance is upon us.  The spirit of faith is upon us and makes us whole.  I declare that we remain stable by the Power of Your Spirit, even in the face of instability; our faith is in YOU!  Our strength is in YOU!  We will remain FAITHFUL to You. We will not be moved by fear, or intimidation; neither will we be enticed by the delicacies of the king.  We declare that we will trust the Redeeming Power of the Blood of Jesus and stand in Unparalleled faith in YOU Father, in Jesus’ name.

Sunday, Jan 12

Prayer Focus:  Redemption to BE what pleases God

The Power of the Blood of Jesus is not only to forgive sin, but to transform us. Jesus gave HIMSELF to Redeem us from all the powers of darkness. Are we Truly our heavenly Father’s image in the earth?  Do we always look like Him, or are we like a chameleon that conforms to the atmosphere around us?  Do we act like Jesus?  Do we talk like Him?  Do we see and hear as He does?  Does His fragrance permeate through us? Today we call on the Redemptive Power of the Blood of Jesus to BE what God has called us to be in the earth.

Genesis 1:26-27 (KJV) “Then God said, “Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness; and let them rule…”

Psalm 8:3-8 (NAS) “When I consider Your heavens, the work of Your fingers, The moon and the stars, which You have ordained; What is man that You take thought of him, And the son of man that You care for him? Yet You have made him a little lower than God, And You crown him with glory and majesty! You make him to rule over the works of Your hands; You have put all things under his feet…”

Titus 2:14 (NIV) “Who gave Himself for us to redeem us from all wickedness and to purify for Himself a people that are His very own, eager to do what is good.”


 Father, today I call on the Redeeming Power of the Blood of Jesus to BE what You have called me to be in Jesus’ name. Father I ask that You keep me humble under  Your hand of Grace.  I pray that I mourn for others knowing that You are my comfort. I pray for the spirit of Meekness, and that I am merciful. I hunger and thirst for Your Righteousness.  Father keep my heart pure before You, as I am Your peacemaker. I count it a privilege to be persecuted for righteousness sake, for I want to know You in the Redemptive Power of Your Resurrection and in the Fellowship of Your Suffering. Father I declare that when people see me they SEE YOU because I am YOUR true image in the earth.  Demons run and tremble when they see me because they See YOU in Jesus’ name!